Saturday, November 10, 2007


I'd like to welcome y'all to The University of Texas at Austin Challenge X team blog. Here you'll be hearing a little about what is going on, who we are and hopefully we'll get you as excited as we are about the possibilities for sustainable transportation.

THi s is Dino's palce holder

this is Murat's place holder

this is Murat's place holder

This is Jude's place holder

This is Jon's placeholder

This is Gary's place holder

This is Abby's palce holder

This is a place holder for Chris's intro/bio

The Team

My name is Nicole Munguia. Just started graduate school at UT Austin in the Mechanical Engineering Department. My primary focus on the diesel mild hybrid project is to develop the hybrid fuel-economy controls. The same hybrid architecture has been coupled to a gasoline engine and available for sale through Saturn. However, a diesel engine has yet to be coupled with the same hybrid architecture. The team is very excited to see how the diesel engine will perform in fuel economy and vehicle emissions with the same hybrid architecture.

The Team

Hey y'all, I'm Mario Pulido and I am a junior from Mexico City. I'll be running the blog and primarily working on MotoserverX. The greenbelt (river near austin) is one of my favorite places to be and am very excited about working on technologies that will allow eficient transportation while protecting our environment.


I'd like to welcome y'all to The University of Texas at Austin Challenge X team blog. Here you'll be hearing a little about what is going on, who we are and hopefully we'll get you as excited as we are about the possibilities for sustainable transportation.